So seeing the thread on WAS being 10 yrs old made me think of those first boosters. Specifically, what was the first rare you remember pulling, and also the ship that was a no-show for you in the set?
Pretty sure my first rare was the Hood, clean lines and a big beastie made it hard to miss.
My no-show for set one was definitely the Scharnhorst. I bought about 3 cases worth of boosters before ordering 2 off ebay for ~ $10 each.
I came late to the party. The first rare I remember pulling was either R. Bismarck or Sho-Go Yamato - I think I got both within a couple days of each other, and can't remember which one was first.
I remember buying a 1st set starter when the game first came out. I pulled a Graf Zep. I was disappointed and did not go back into the game. After a few years my son found the set in the closet and started playing with it. I revisited the game to play with him. That was after Condition Zebra came out. We have been colecting and playing infrequently ever since.
There are two types of people who do not get far in life, those that can't do what they are told and those who can do nothing else.
I got into the game rather late, so I haven't ever opened a random booster, but the first randomized non-starter set ships I got my hands on were the akagi, tone, and some other miscellaneous ships. I found them lying in a toy store for cheap!