What if we actually just played - no bans, no blacklist? I'd be interested to see some of the more creative strategies for dealing with powerful units.
Well, there are a couple reasons/issues. The original point of the FFFL was to get units that are not often used, used (at that point because there were so few units, to fill your rosters the poor units had to be drafted and were oftentimes incorporated due to build restrictions). It encourages creative drafting and fleet design in ways not usually seen.
Another issue is that power units can greatly change the course of the game. There are a lot of things that go into the FFFL--fleet drafting, fleet design, opponents, play styles, strategy, etc. So we cannot say for certain that it is the units that win the game rather than the player (both matter to varying degrees). However, there are a select few that are, in many ways, too challenging to overcome often enough to prevent them from being unbalancing. Chikuma is one, when paired with units it was never meant to be. After this year, I would say USS Johnston is another. It provides too big of a boost to builds while being such a solid unit itself that it can likewise be a tough nut to crack.
Also, I think, a lot of players just get tired of seeing the same units over and over.
That said, I like the ideas being floated that might increase the cost of certain units or otherwise place certain hardships on drafting/using them.
"You like ships. You don't seem to be lookin' at the destinations. What you care about is the ships, and mine's the nicest." ~ Firefly ~
What if all participants did one round of blacklist picks so everyone could take out a unit they want removed. So those units blacklisted are off the board. Then a second draft round of grey list picks. After that rescramble the draft order and players can pick any unit including the grey list ones. A player can pick a max of 2 greylisted units. The penalty of picking a grey list unit is your next draft pick drops to a makeup round after the draft but before the wild card round. Example. RH picks a BB in round #1 but in round #2 takes a grey listed cruiser. As a result my third pick drops to the make up round and I don't pick again till round #4. Later in round #6 I grab a second grey listed unit meaning my #7 drops to the makeup round. The makeup round is in the order of the dropped picks.
Another option, deduct the cost of premium units from your score at the end of the game. So might win a close one, but slip back on the ladder due to usinh a yamato or helldiver swarm